The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Public Works remains committed to create a bright future for the students, who qualify for placement through In-Service Training, especially those that are from a disadvantaged background. In-Service Training refers to practical work experience during studies and usually after one or two years of theory are successfully completed.
The purpose of granting students the opportunity to do their In-Service Training programme is to provide the student with an in-depth understanding of the field the student is studying towards to through the practical application of theoretical knowledge.
Students are placed within the Department to undergo in-service training, where they:
- will be fully engaged in essential work experience that is part of their qualification and necessary to achieve their qualifications;
- may be paid or unpaid or a small allowance to cover travel and other related costs
- practically learn through skills transfer for a duration which is usually 6 months to a year or 18 months;
- the receive stipendiary payment from the Department or payment which of Setas may offer grants to employers from discretionary grant funds
- are required to complete a logbook, which is used to measure their performance by the Department and their educational institutes.
In an effort to moving the Province of KwaZulu-Natal forward, the Department has gained ground in finding many directions for stimulus, career-pathways for youth development through In-Service training. To date, the following benefits of the programme are realised and registered:
- promotion of personal development;
- building of individual confidence on the part of the students;
- reduction or elimination of staff turnover;
- attraction of suitable employees
- providing affordable learning environment for the students
The implementation of In-Service training will continue laying a fundamental assurance that properly assessed students are placed into the right stage of learning and training, without repeating the training they have already received.
For more information contact:
Director: Human Resource Management
Mr TP Duma
Private Bag X 9142
Tel: 033 260 4137
Fax: 033 897 6384